Yueh-Ning Li

Co-founder of Well-Being Systemic Constellations Academy
Lecturer of The International Academy of Systemic Constellations
Certified Chinese National Counseling Psychologist (Level 2)
Hellinger Sciencia® International Training Camp Graduate
Taiwan Academy of Systemic Constellations Professional Practitioner Training Certified
Trained in Gestalt Therapy

Yueh-Ning Li has experiences in mind-body-soul trainings such as Transpersonal Psychology, Vajrayana, Vipassana, Shaman Healing, Energetic Therapy, A Course in Light and A Course in Miracle, ect. She is an expert in the area of “visual art vs mental growth”. She uses systemic constellations in conjunction with visual arts and colours to help self-discovery and healing.
Li regularly conducts workshops, counseling sessions, and trains perspective systemic constellations practitioners. At the same time, she is often invited by schools at various levels and social services to facilitate systemic constellations. She also teaches communicative healing lessons in both pubic and private institutes.
Li graduated from National Taiwan University with a Bachelor degree and Master degree in Art. She is passionate about creating arts, and keeps searching for new elements and continually develop her personal style for her oil paintings.