Shih-Hua Yang

Shih-Hua Yang

• Co-founder of Well-Being Systemic Constellations Academy

Facilitates Systemic Constellations for clients. Provides professional monthly training for perspective Systemic Constellation practitioner, and hosts personal growth groups in Taiwan, Malaysia and Canada.

Hellinger Sciencia® International Training Camp Graduate

• Taiwan Academy of Systemic Constellations Professional Practitioner Training Certified

Continuing professional development. Participates in Systemic Constellations facilitated by Systemic Constellations pioneers such as Wilfred Nelles, Jacob R. Schneider, Sieglinde Schneider, Heinrich
Breuer, Svagito R. Liebermeister, Marianne Franke, Jan Peterson, Stepan Hausner.

• Spiritual Counsellor Supervisor and Lecturer of Seth Education Foundation

Teaches counselling techniques, communication skills, and runs Systemic Constellations, music therapy, and trauma healing workshops.

• Counsellor and Supervisor of Catholic Archdiocese of Taipei Family Service

Conducts professional counselling training and personal growth workshop, and supervises volunteer counsellors.

• ‘Teacher Chang’ Volunteer and Counselling Technique Coach at Teacher Chang Foundation, Taipei

13 years of experience in combining techniques of Trauma System Therapy, Family Constellation, Transactional Analysis, Music Therapy and Enneagram of Personality to conduct counselling sessions.

• Certified Chinese National Counselling Psychologist (Level 2)

Yang has experiences in Trauma System Therapy, Art Therapy, Psychodrama, Family Sculpture, Transactional Analysis, Enneagram of Personality, Group Therapy, and Neurolinguistic. She often combines her expertise of counselling with music to enhance healing and persona-discovery. She also uses systemic constellations for deep spiritual harmonization.

Yang regularly conducts workshops, counselling sessions, and trains prospective systemic constellations practitioners. At the same time, she is often invited by schools of various levels and social services to
facilitate systemic constellations. In addition, she also teaches healing and group therapy lessons, as well as supervises novice counsellors and practitioners.