Love, the Power of Healing
Uncover the Connections Between
Illness and Family Consciousness
with Family Constellations
“Illness, sometimes, is an angel sent by God. Have you listened to the message from the angel?”
The cause of these illnesses are often beyond simple medical reasons. These illnesses are related to psychological and family issues. Healing and health is generated through the power of healing. Therefore, when client seek for my help, I always try to create an environment that supports the generation of self-healing power. In addition to providing proper medical care, “systemic constellations” is a useful and effective tool, especially facilitated in a group, to provide healing power. Family Constellations views illness holistically, and through discovering the resources within the system to provide healing power.
When examine illness, reasons beyond the medical theories should be considered. Sometimes, patients subconsciously get affected by the same types of diseases as other family members to show love and loyalty to the family; others protest the unjust treatments that they have suffered through sickness. Without considering the family issues, many illness can only be healed up to 80%.
Family Constellations opens the gate to our souls, lead us to cross the barrier of generations and our mind to see the illness clearly, provide the key of health and healing.
What is going to inspire a patient to make changes?
A point of view, an attitude, a position, or a special timing?
It’s the moment that patient finds peace within the soul and feels the energy flowing within the body and mind once again.