Family Systemic Constellations

Family Constellations is developed by German psychologist and therapist Bert Hellinger. He combined Gestalt Therapy, Transactional Analysis, Primal Therapy, Family Therapy (Psychodrama, Family Sculpture) into what Hellinger calls “soul work”. Elements of these therapy methods can be seen in family constellations; however, Hellinger had fused these methods into a unique therapy of its own kind. Family Constellations helps therapists and clients to gain more insight to the roots of issues, and enable clients to transform from their souls. Family Constellations has been quite popular in Europe, and started to be incorporated into group therapy and personal counseling by therapists all over the world.

Hellinger discovered that there is an energy, the energy of love, flow within every family.  This energy exists within the collective unconscious of the family members, but most are often unaware of it; however, this hidden energy influences family members profoundly.

Family constellations uses “representative” to represent family members. Representatives are chosen from the people who participate in family constellation sessions. By observing the body language and the movement of each representative, which Hellinger calls them “the movements of soul”, the dynamic of the hidden energy within a family can be discovered. Through the representatives, topics including, but not limited to, dysfunctional family, marriage or relationship issues, suicides, accidents, antisocial behaviours, career obstacles, can be discussed.

Illness is also often addressed through family constellations. Family constellations holds a holistic view of illness. It has been observed that people get sick beyond simple medical reasons. Sometimes, subconsciously, patients get affected by the same types of diseases as other family member to show love and loyalty to the family; others protest the unjust treatments that they have suffered through sickness. In addition to providing proper medical care, “systemic constellations” is a useful and effective tool, especially facilitated in a group, to provide healing power.

Often issues in life make us feel trapped and puzzled about the meaning of life, and they occur because the “order of love” within the family is interrupted. When the “order of love” within a family is disturbed, the tragedies that happen in a family can be repeated for generations.

Family Constellations helps us to discover the hidden energy and uncover the veil of the roots of our issues. It helps us to deal with the difficulties in lives; bring our lives back to harmony, guide the family members to the “correct order”, and enhance the growth and flow of love with the family.

In additionl to family therapy, family constellations can also be used in business and work situations. When it is used in business and work situations, it is called Organizational Constellations. Organizational constellations is more efficient than any other methods to discover the issues within an organization. Systemic Constellations is a general term for Family Constellations and Organizational Constellations.